Thinking of Fostering a Second Pet? Ask Yourself These Questions First
It's National Foster a Pet Month! If you've been considering adding a second furry companion to your household, now is the perfect month to do so. However, before you apply to be a pet foster parent, there are some things you should consider first, such as whether...

Anxiety in Dogs: Signs and Ways to Soothe Your Dog
If your pup is panting, have you ever considered whether they are panting because of the hot weather or because they're feeling anxious? Anxiety signs in dogs can be subtle, and it's not always easy to spot the anxiety signs. Although panting may be one sign of...

3 Hiking Tips for Your Pet This Summer
There are so many beautiful hiking trails to visit in Oakland, New Jersey, and it’s the perfect time to get outdoors with your four-legged friend. Before you hit the trails with your furry friend, the team at Oakland Animal Hospital would like you to keep these...

What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?
Although you know you should spay your female pet to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted puppies, you may not know what exactly happens during a spay surgery. Since World Spay Day—February 23—is approaching, let’s explain the procedure,...

Does Your Cat Make You Sneeze? Tips on Managing Your Cat Allergies
Does living with your feline friend make you break out in a rash, sneeze, or struggle to peer through watery eyes? Many cat owners suffer through allergies to their pet, but allergic responses to cat hair and dander are manageable. Try the following tips from our...

Check the Chip Day: Benefits to Microchips
Check the Chip Day, which is on August 15, is a special day for pets with microchips! Each year, we encourage pet owners to stop by so we can quickly scan their pet’s microchip to ensure it hasn’t migrated and is still working. Now is also a good time to update the...

What is Cognitive Dysfunction in Pets?
Have you noticed your pet forgetting their house training or becoming disoriented inside the house? These could be signs of cognitive dysfunction. As pets age, they can suffer from impaired mental function, similar to elderly people with Alzheimer’s or dementia. With...

5 Steps to Introduce a Shelter Cat Into Your Household
Are you a cat owner who's looking to add another feline friend to your family? June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. When you bring home your new kitty, follow these steps to introduce them to your current cat. Step 1: Create separate resource areas for each cat Your new...

3 Reasons Why Routine is Important for Young Pets
Have you recently welcomed a young pet? Now's the time to establish routine so that they can start to learn appropriate behaviors. Here's why stability and consistency are key at this point in their life. #1: Pets learn best with consistency Before bringing your new...

Protect Your Pet From These Hazards This Easter
Easter means holiday festivities like egg hunts, special treats, and baskets full of candy. Whatever you're doing to celebrate, protect your pet from these Easter dangers. Eggs — Hard-boiled and plastic eggs can harm your pet in various ways, so ensure you count the...