Order Medication Online!

For those individuals who prefer an Internet-based veterinary pharmaceutical source, we recommend Covetrus as they work closely with our staff to offer quality products. Visit our online pharmacy here.

Tips To Keep Your Pet Stress-Free During Fireworks

Tips To Keep Your Pet Stress-Free During Fireworks

As you prepare for a day of fun and fireworks, it's important to think about how your pets are feeling. To humans, the noises, lights, and excitement are part of celebrating our nation. To our pets, it's scary booming, buzzing, and lights that can cause some pets to...

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How To Effectively Stop Dog Bites

How To Effectively Stop Dog Bites

April 9-15 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. The team at Oakland Animal Hospital wants to help you keep your pet calm when they're in our office or at home. It's also good for you to know what to watch out for when your dog starts to get tense in a scary...

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First Aid Tips For Pet Parents In Oakland, NJ

First Aid Tips For Pet Parents In Oakland, NJ

At the Oakland Animal Hospital, the human-animal bond is a top priority. We carefully select our staff based on their training, people and animal skills. Our team is made up of people who love their pets, just like you. By carefully selecting our staff, we can ensure...

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Volunteering With Your Pet In Oakland, NJ

Volunteering With Your Pet In Oakland, NJ

The staff of Oakland Animal Hospital is deeply committed to improving the well-being of not just their clients, but to the lives of the animals within the community. That commitment is demonstrated by our support for local shelters, our Food for Fido Program and our...

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Preventing Lyme Disease In Your Dog

Preventing Lyme Disease In Your Dog

Oakland Animal Hospital prides itself on providing the best preventative care for your pet - and that includes fleas and ticks. This time of year, it's even more important to be proactive instead of reactive. April showers bring… ticks? While that may not be how the...

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You Need To Know About These Four Household Pet Toxins

You Need To Know About These Four Household Pet Toxins

Keeping your pet safe at home is a full-time job, and we're here to help. Poison Prevention Week is March 19 – 25, and if you own a pet, you’ll want to know about these items you probably have sitting around your home that could prove to be fatal for your pet. Have a...

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Eight Tips That Will Get Your Cat To Use The Litter Box

Eight Tips That Will Get Your Cat To Use The Litter Box

Most cats surrendered to shelters every year are done so because of perceived behavior problems—primarily house soiling. And, most of the cats surrendered will be euthanized. It doesn’t have to be this way. Cats never eliminate outside their litter boxes out of spite....

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5 Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy and Happy this Spring

5 Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy and Happy this Spring

Oakland Animal Hospital offers the highest quality of veterinary care for our pets. Spring is in the air, and, as winter fades, you should keep in mind some potential pet health hazards that come along with the warmer temperatures. Keep bugs away. Is your pet on a...

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